About Lola Scarborough & Kevin Post

Lola classifies herself and her husband, Kevin Post, as social entrepreneurs of the first orders. In 2008, the pair opened a Wellness Center in League City, Texas, named Yoga Lola Studios. No sooner, they purchased the property and whoosh! Here comes Ike. Then, she was laid off from her full-time job. And, it turned out that League City, Texas, had zero interest in yoga, meditation, Reiki healing, life coaching or nutrition! To say the first seven years were rough is an understatement. But, they had a mission and the mindset to make it work and hung in there, refused to give up, and have turned all of their challenges around. Their beautiful studio is a success.

Her husband, Kevin, kept them fed, clothed, and running in times of need. He is a real rocket scientist – he is a Systems Analyst at Boeing and does all kinds of Moon and Mars things there. He also helps her manage the Studio and teaches classes at Yoga Lola. He has a BS in Aeronautics and Theology as well as a Master’s Degree. She has a BA in Political Science as well as extensive education in yoga, meditation, wellness, coaching, and nutrition. Until 2008, she worked in the corporate business world for 40 years as a writer and project manager. Now, as a 500-hour certified yoga teacher, I have lead and taught more than 10,000 hours of classes in yoga, meditation, chanting, and sound healing. I have a two-year degree in Ayurveda (the medical care system of India) and have studied herbs and nutrition extensively and hold a number of certifications in those modalities as well. I’ve been doing life and nutritional coaching for over 10 years with great success.  Both Kevin and I are currently working on Ph.Ds in Comparative Religion. Last but not least, I published my first book about prevention of breast cancer July 2018.

If you would like to connect with Mrs. Scarborough: Their Studio web is www.yogalola.com. Her book website is www.lolascarborough.com. Her FB connect is www.facebook.com/lolawritesbooks/

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