Branding You

If you are kind of marketer or online business personnel, the concept of branding is nothing new. Actually, it has become one of the most talked about and controversial topics in our industry.

When I first started in network marketing I was eager and ready, quite desperate to let people know who I was and what I did. Without even reading the company’s social share guidelines, I started posting the company name all over my social accounts. I added the logo to the profile pictures, the whole hurrah! I was convinced that I was doing the right thing, promote! Promote! Promote! Not even the product, but the company. But then I started to observe my uplines and other successful marketers. Aha! They did not post the name of the company. They posted things like “leaving a legacy this, and queen that, coach this and credit that.” Then it hit me… Dong!!! Although most of them branded “the movement,” they actually branded themselves.

Naturally, like any inquisitive over-achiever I decided to learn more about branding me. I plugged into a few mentors and followed a few key gurus, bought a few introductory trainings. And voilia! Everyone said the same thing. Brand you!!! Now where alot of marketers get confused is they mix not branding the company with not promoting your opportunity and/or product. Well my friend, then that means you are actually on a marketing haitus! There are ways to recruit and prospect online. Some companies teach it and others, well you have to go out there and learn it yourself.

To me, the danger with branding a company over yourself is that companies come and go. If you are associated with a product, like in my case credit restoration you can always move to another credit restoration opportunity if that did occur. If you are associated only with a company for example IT WORKS. When IT WORKS shuts down, so are you and your business. Branding you means that people understand that you are connected to a company, but your alligance is actually to an idustry e.g. health and wellness, beauty e.t.c.

It also allows you to have multiple streams of income. For example, I fix credit, but I also do income taxes. I drink and sell keto shakes, but I am also a personal trainer. I sell beauty products, but I also teach make-up and skin care regimens. Do you follow…?

Follow the movements. Keep the energy and momentum. You can not isolate yourself from your parent company. But at the end of the day, people want to join people in achieve results and/or fighting for a common purpose or towards a common goal. Not companies and big money hungry cooperations. Seth Goldin says it best:

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