How to track your sales calls (what to use to remember where you have been)

It’s sometimes hard to keep track of sales, especially, when you are making a lot of calls and doing a lot of business trips. You will need to figure out what you need to do to keep track of the calls and to keep track of your own appointments, because sometimes you need to do follow up calls and visits, and they are not exactly planned. It is so important that you keep good records in order for you to be able to know what needs to be done.

The first thing that you need to think about is using a computer. You will need to keep a laptop (so that you can easily take it with you on your business trips) and make a spreadsheet. You will need to make a spreadsheet that states how you track your sales. You should make columns and use the rows for each client. You will find that some of the things that you will need to keep track of is when you made the visit or call and if you got a sale out of it. Regardless if you got a sale you should state if you though the person seemed interested. You will also need to track things like their phone number or address. It is very important that you think about the information that you are including, because this is going to tell you rather or now you are ready to make the follow up call or even if you should contact the person at a later date.

Once you have the spreadsheet you will want to purchase items that will allow you to back these files up. Zip drives and disks or CDs are great tools that you can use to back your files up. This is very important, because technology is so finicky (you never know if the computers are going to work or just break down). In order to keep your files you will want to make sure that you back everything up. This is the only way that you can truly plan things safely.

Even if you do backup your files you will also want to make sure that you do everything possible to keep your files in the paper form. You will need to file your sales calls on a monthly basis so that you can keep the best records. Of course, after awhile you can throw the files away, but you will need the paper or hard copies in order to ensure that everything is safe and sound.

Always make sure that you do not keep all of your files and backups in a different place. If your home or office where to burn down or something destructive would happen, then you have lost it all. You need to make sure that you have copies of your files in multiple places so that you can ensure always having the files.

It is very important that you keep your files straight and in order. You will want to keep in mind that it is very important that you know where you have been and what you have done in the past few months so that you can stay on top of things. When it comes to business, you need to think about how the client will feel and how you will feel when it comes to losing sales for your unorganized business. You will learn to appreciate an organized business and you will also learn how to appreciate the hard work and discipline that it takes to put a file like this together and keep it update. It’s hard work, but it’s work it when you start seeing an increase in your sales. Plus it is a way for you to learn to control your work and control a business that is uncontrollable and unpredictable. You will become comfortable by controlling your files and sales facts.

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